1. How do I become a volunteer with the Aylmer Food Centre? 2. When can I volunteer? 3. Do you have evening and weekend volunteering opportunities? 4. Can I book a group/family volunteering opportunity? 5. What types of volunteer opportunities are available? 6. What should I wear to volunteer? 7. How old do I need to be to volunteer for the Food Bank? 8. Do you take student volunteers? 9. Do I require a police records check? 10. Will I be photographed during my volunteer activity? 11. Can I just drop in to volunteer? 12. What is the time commitment? 13. Can I do court appointed community service hours at the Aylmer Food Centre?
1. How do I become a volunteer with the Aylmer Food Centre? Please contact our Volunteer coordinator, Yanick Simard, by emailing [email protected] or phone 819-684-0163 ext. 113 to arrange a tour and to learn more about volunteer opportunities that may interest you.
2. When can I volunteer? The Aylmer Food Centre is open Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 12 PM and 1 PM to 4 PM. Volunteers are scheduled, as needed, between 9 am and 4 pm. The length of each shift varies on an as-needed basis.
3. Do you have evening and weekend volunteering opportunities? We currently do not have regular evening and weekend volunteer opportunities available. We do have special events that are frequently held on evenings and weekends. Please identify your interest in volunteering at an event by registering at app.initlive.com:443/JE/2hdzytoh81oljs. You will be sent email notifications when volunteers are required for upcoming events.
4. Can I book a group/family volunteering opportunity? Yes, group bookings are welcomed. Due to space limitations and safety, the recommended maximum number of participants is 3. Groups with more than 3, can ask for booking during our busy months: December, January and February. Families with small children should note that the recommended minimum age is 6 years. Groups may also want to consider volunteering for our Food Alternative Programs: call us to see if there is an opportunity for your group.
5. What types of volunteer opportunities are available? What is your method of volunteering? We are open to suggestions if you have particular skills or ability you think would benefit the Aylmer Food Centre, please let us know! Our regular volunteer opportunities include but are not limited to:
Warehouse help
Food sorting
Delivery driver’s assistants
Food alternative helpers
Special events assistance
6. What should I wear to volunteer? Comfortable clothing and footwear is always encouraged. When volunteering in our warehouse, distribution centre and cafeteria, closed toes shoes are required (no sandals). When volunteering at special events, recommended dress will be indicated.
7. How old do I need to be to volunteer for the Food Bank?
The recommended minimum age of children volunteering with family in our warehouse is 6 years
Youth volunteers under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult
Delivery assistants must be a minimum of 18 years of age
8. Do you take student volunteers? We are pleased to assist high school students in the completion of community volunteer hours. Please note that our regular hours of operation often preclude students from volunteering on-site but we welcome their participation during March Break (dependent on availability of volunteer opportunities) and as volunteers at our special events. Contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Yanick Simard, by emailing [email protected] to express your interest. Please note that all students are responsible for recording their hours and having their record sheet signed/authorized by supervising Aylmer Food Centre staff.
9. Do I require a police records check? We generally do not require a police records check to volunteer. 10. Will I be photographed during my volunteer activity? With frequent media events taking place on-site at the Aylmer Food Centre, photos and/or video footage may be taken throughout the duration of your volunteer activity and released through various media outlets. You will be asked to sign a waiver as part of your volunteer application and confidentiality agreement with the Aylmer Food Centre.
12. What is the time commitment? We have a very flexible approach to volunteering. There is no minimum time commitment to participate in the volunteer program.
13. Can I do court appointed community service hours at the Aylmer Food Centre? We do accept individuals with court appointed hours however, we are unable to accept anyone who has a violent offense. Hours, dates, and times must be pre-approved and arranged through your correctional officer in advance.